Here at Young Hip & Married, one of our values is the fact that we care more about your marriage than your wedding. And we think you should too! After all, why wouldn’t you invest just as much, if not more, into your lifelong marriage than you put into your one day wedding?

But it can be hard to prioritize your marriage, especially while in the depths of wedding planning. Wedding planning is tangible. There are clear steps, checklists and things you need to do. But in marriage, it isn’t always so easy.

While the secret to a great marriage isn’t always obvious – though we do have some great advice from our officiants here – there are some fun ways to start marriage planning, inspired by your wedding planning.

Here are 10 ways to turn your wedding planning into marriage planning!

Inviting guests to your wedding becomes…

by Emily Nicole Photos

Inviting your friends and family into your life! You know how you sit down with your spouse-to-be to create your wedding guest list? You spend all of this time thinking about all of the important people in your life and who you want to be there to celebrate this milestone moment with you. Well, that doesn’t have to end after you say I do.

Those same people who you chose to witness your love and share in the joy of your wedding should be a part of your married life too. These are the people who support your relationship and maybe even model a great marriage for you. So invite them over for dinner, head out on a double date, host a party, catch up over coffee and keep these special people involved in your married life too.

Your wedding to-do list becomes…

by Emily Nicole Photos

Planning your life together just as intentionally. A wedding to-do list is often a comprehensive document with charts and tables, numbers and names, and more items than you can count. It’s likely something you started working on, at least in your head, months and months before the big day. So if you’re willing to put that much time, effort and planning into your wedding, why not do the same for your marriage?

Take that intentional attitude and apply it to your relationship. Of course, your marriage probably doesn’t need a to-do list. But it does need you and your partner to be prioritizing it, thinking about it and working on it even harder than you worked on your wedding.

The first looks becomes…

by John Bello Photography

Surprising one another. If you do a first look, or decide to exchange cards or gifts with your partner before the ceremony, you know what it’s like to plan a little surprise. It’s exciting! You might have had butterflies and you just couldn’t wait to see the other person.

Keep that same excitement by planning little surprises throughout your marriage. This can be as small as grabbing your spouse their favourite chocolate bar when you’re at the gas station. Or it can be an elaborate date that you whisk them off to without any clues about where you’re going or what you’re doing. Little surprises that put a smile on your partner’s face are a fun way to transition wedding planning into marriage planning.

Writing your vows becomes…

by Erica Miller Photography

Living your vows. Remember all of those things you promised to uphold in your marriage? All of those things you said about loving in sickness and health, supporting one another and never watching an episode of your show on Netflix without the other person? Well, now is the time to live up to all of that.

Your vows are important. The promises you made to one another at your wedding are the bedrock of your marriage. You should live them every single day. That’s not to say you won’t slip up. Of course, there will be days when you get frustrated and when you don’t live up to those vows you made. But every single day of your marriage you should be working towards those vows.

Taking wedding photos becomes…

by Erica Miller Photography

Cherishing memories. Wedding photos are one of the best ways to remember your special day forever. But there are so many more special days to come throughout your marriage. So take the time to cherish these memories as well.

A few ways you can cherish your marriage memories include keeping a journal to document your days, celebrating milestones with special attention, doing a photo session on your anniversary, putting together a scrapbook of your favourite moments, and taking time to regualrly reflect together on your marriage and life.

The first dance becomes…

by Emily Nicole Photos

Making time for romance. We all know the trope of a couple who has been together for so long that they feel more like roommates than spouses. They only talk about logistical things, like figuring out who is going to buy milk on their way home from work, and spend nights together scrolling through their phones on opposite ends of the couch.

Don’t let the romance leave your marriage. Remember all of the love and romance that was wrapped up in your first dance? Infuse a little bit of that into your marriage. That doesn’t mean you have to ballroom dance every day (but if you want to, go for it!). There are lots of small and meaningful ways for you to be romantic such as holding hands, sending sweet texts out of the blue, kissing for a little longer than expected, completing chores without being reminded, planning thoughtful dates and writing love notes.

Choosing your wedding menu becomes…

Cooking at home together. One of the most fun wedding planning activities is choosing your menu. Who doesn’t enjoy tasting great food and putting together a wonderful menu for you and your guests to enjoy? Bring that same fun back into your kitchen at home.

Cooking together can be a great activity for spouses. It’s a chance for you to be creative, work together, chat about your days, have a little fun and produce something tangible. It’s a great way to connect and hone your culinary skills. If you’re not so savvy in the kitchen, you can sign up for a cooking class together or just head out on a food tour or restaurant crawl.

Wedding toasts become… 

Telling the people in your life (including each other!) what they mean to you. At your wedding, you may have had people giving toasts. Often these include sweet stories about you, the couple of the hour, and well wishes for your marriage. But why do we need to wait for a wedding to tell our best friend how much we love her, thank our parents for their constant support, and make our brother laugh with a hilarious story from childhood? We don’t!

While it might be weird to start giving toasts everytime you go out for dinner with friends or family, it’s not weird to tell the people in your life what they mean to you. Keep that “wedding toast” spirit with you when you interact with your loved ones. And that includes your spouse! Don’t forget to take time in your marriage to appreciate one another, show gratitude and say again just how much you stinking love him or her.

Going on your honeymoon becomes…

Taking time together throughout your marriage. Your honeymoon, while likely a pretty epic trip, doesn’t need to be the one time in your marriage that the two of you take some time away together. Prioritize your alone time, especially when you get busy with work, kids, the house and your other obligations. Carve out time for just the two of you.

You don’t have to go on big expensive trips to achieve this. Taking time together can be as simple as dropping your kids at the in-laws for the afternoon and heading out to your favourite brewery to catch up. Or maybe it’s a weekend trip to a nearby town you want to discover. Or maybe it is a big international trip to Paris or New Zealand (if it is, can we come?). Throughout your marriage, make time for just the two of you.

Eating wedding cake becomes…

Still eating cake. No need to change this one. Who’s mad about eating more cake?

written by Riana Ang-Canning
feature image by Erica Miller Photography 

Of course, your wedding should be all about you and your spouse-to-be. But if you are planning to invite guests, you can’t totally forget them. So what do guests really want? It’s simple! They want to celebrate your love in the most comfortable, sincere and joy-filled way. Fulfill these 11 things and all of your guests will be raving about how yours was the best wedding ceremony ever!

Every guest wants…

To not have to stand for too long

No one wants to stand forever. And they especially don’t want to do it when they’re all dressed up in fancy clothes and uncomfortable shoes. Your guests’ comfort is a big deal. Ensure your ceremony has enough seating for everyone and that guests aren’t being asked to stand for too long.

No one minds standing while you make your way down the aisle, but they will get antsy if they have to stand for a full 30 minute ceremony.

by Melody Devitt Photography

Something personal

Your guests want to hear something personal. Everyone has been to the same boring wedding ceremony but they haven’t been to your wedding. Make it your own by sharing personal vows or picking a special reading. Insert your own voice into you ceremony to truly make it yours.

To not be out in bad weather

Of course, you can’t control Mother Nature. But you can do your best to limit your guests’ exposure to bad weather. This starts by preparing them ahead of time. If you’re getting married on a snowy mountaintop or a sandy beach, your guests need to know so they can dress accordingly. Provide lots of details on your wedding website.

And if you’re planning an outdoor wedding, ensure you have a back up plan in case the weather doesn’t hold up.

Something that is so you

Your vows are not the only place where you can inject some creativity into your wedding. From the outfit you wear, to the music you choose, to the decor you have, every element of your wedding ceremony can be uniquely you. Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box: have your dog be your ring bearer, wear sneakers instead of dress shoes, or play something from the Foo Fighters as you come down the aisle.

by Emily Nicole Photos

To be able to see

As the stars of the show, everyone wants to be able to see your smiling (and probably crying) faces as you say your vows and exchange rings. The worst experience for a guest is to spend the entire ceremony craning their neck or cursing the tall guy in front of them for blocking their view. Talk to your venue and do your best to ensure that your special moment will be seen by all of your important people.

To be able to hear

Just as vital as seeing, your guests want to be able to hear you! What’s the point of picking out a beautiful reading and writing heartfelt vows if no one can even hear them? Work with your venue and officiant to ensure you have a sound system so everyone can pick up every meaningful word.

To understand what’s going on

If your ceremony is really out of the box, or if you’re incorporating a language, religion or culture that is unfamiliar to your guests, let them know what’s happening. You can do this by providing information in a ceremony program, on your wedding website, on signs at the ceremony, or by asking your officiant to make an announcement. You don’t want to leave your guests feeling confused. Instead, invite them into this important experience by explaining your traditions.

by Shauneille Ross

To understand what comes next

After a ceremony, a lot of guests are left wondering, “Well, now what?” They assume there’s a reception but many are a bit fuzzy on the details of where and when. Make things easier for your guests by having these instructions readily available. You can include a timeline on your wedding website, your programs and/or signage at the ceremony. You can also have your officiant or DJ make an announcement.

If you’re planning something for right after your ceremony, like a group photo or a special cocktail hour, you’ll need to remind guests about this so they know where to go.

The ceremony to start on time (or as close as possible!)

No one likes waiting around. Your guests would love if your wedding ceremony could start on time, pretty please. And, confession, your vendors would love this too! Of course, everyone understands little delays. But making your guests wait around for more than 15–20 minutes is never appreciated. Plus, you’ll be super stressed if you’re running late and things are falling behind schedule.

by Bake Photo

A short ceremony

Let’s be honest. Even if you have the coolest traditions, the most heartfelt vows, tear-inducing readings and the best officiant (who? us?), no one wants the ceremony to last forever. A beautiful and meaningful ceremony can (and should!) be achieved in 30 minutes or less. If you’re planning a ceremony that will last a few hours, get ready for guests to be fidgeting, checking their phones, and getting up for bathroom breaks.

To connect to your love story

At the end of the day, your guests are your favourite people. These are your family members and friends who love you and are so honoured and excited to celebrate your union. Even if it starts to rain, the rings go missing and your wedding party gets stuck in traffic, your guests are still going to be there, smiling up at you throughout your ceremony.

They’re here for your love story. So give them the opportunity to connect to it. Let them know who you two are as a couple, how incredible your love is, and why you’re getting married. It’s not about a dress or dinner or flowers; it’s about you two. Your ceremony should reflect that. A personal ceremony that’s written just for you two by an officiant who takes the time to get to know you is a great way to share your love with your guests.

Feature image by Emily Nicole Photos
Written by Riana Ang-Canning

Please enjoy the following vendor interview with Macy of Macy Yap Photography. Learn all about Macy’s style, why she wants to get to know her couples, and her belief in love no matter what! 

Please introduce yourself! Who are you and what do you do?

I’m Macy Yap, a wedding photographer and visual storyteller passionate about capturing beautiful moments through my lens.  I appreciate all the intricate details that come in planning a wedding and enjoy being both the creative director and capturing every important moment throughtout such an important day.

How long have you been in the wedding industry?

I’ve been in the wedding industry for 5 years; 2 years in Asia and 3 years here in Vancouver.

What first attracted you to the wedding industry?

I love the beautiful details that go into a wedding and all the hearfelt moments that come with it.  You’ll see me starting the day trying to think of how I can creatively capture the little intricate details that I know my couples put so much love into.  It’s small things like unique engravings on your wedding rings, the witty wedding favours, the beautiful designs, which reflect my couples personalities. 

I also remember five years ago when I shot my first wedding; the reason I do what I do is because weddings move me.  It’s all about the different connections.  I think about how a father must feel when he realises his baby is walking down the aisle.  I think about how flower girls feel as they admire the little bouqets and details and how happy they are to be in a princess dress.  I think about the first look when couples gaze into each other’s eyes, and try to feel how they must be feeling at that very moment.  And capture that emotion.

When you’re not busy with weddings, how do you love to spend your time?

I’m a massive foodie!  I’ve lived in 7 countries and the first thing I do before stepping foot on new soil is research as many restaurants and cafes as I can.  I like knowing about specialty local dishes and discovering hole in the wall restaurants.  I’ve got my food excel spreadsheets to prove it!

What does Macy Yap Photography do?

Macy Yap is a fine-art wedding photograper based in Vancouver.  She enjoys capturing raw moments and loves telling stories through her photographs.

What makes your business stand out from other wedding photographers?

I love getting to know my couples because knowing who they are, understanding their chemistry and connection makes me bring that story to life through my pictures. It’s my job to make them comfortable in front of my lens and for us to enjoy the process together.

How can couples work with you?

They can email me!  Or call me. (Contact details below!) I love learning about my couples, how they got together and their vision of their dream wedding so I can help make that dream a reality.

Share a wedding story! What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve ever worked on?

I remember photographing a wedding for a couple in their sixties.  It was a beautiful, intimate and heartwarming moment to witness two people at this age exchanging vows.  There were many tears shed and it was such a happy day.  I’ve met many folks in their 40s and 50s who feel like they no longer have a chance to find love.  But I truly wholeheartedly believe that regardless of age, gender, distance… there is no excuse to not take a chance on love.  Everyone deserves to be happy and you should never shut yourself down.

If you had one piece of advice for couples looking for a photographer, what would it be?

Connection and style is key.  Go with someone you get along with, who will make the wedding process fun for you, who understands your vision and can make it a reality.  Know the style that you want and go hunt down your dream team.

What are the current trends in wedding photography and what’s on its way out? 

I prefer to not think about trends.  I believe couples should do what they want, whichever way they want it.  I want to be part of their adventure whatever it is or wherever it may be.

Where can couples save? Where should they splurge?

It all boils down to what you want.  What is most important to you?  If you want to focus on food, maybe your budget on florals would be lower.  Trim down the guest list to the most important people in your life.  Any place can be a great wedding venue with the right stylist, planner and vision board.

Any other tips for couples planning a wedding?

Enjoy the process.  At the end of the day, my wish for my couples is that they have fun and can be in the moment.

Special thanks to Macy of Macy Yap Photography for taking part in this wedding vendor interview. For more info, visit:

Please enjoy the following vendor interview with Nicole of Above and Beyond Events with photos by Vancouver Wedding Studios. Learn all about how Nicole got started in the wedding industry, her best tips for couples, and how much work planners are doing behind the scenes!  

Please introduce yourself! Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Nicole and I’m an Event Planner. I didn’t always plan and create events, actually quite the opposite. I was in law enforcement; the work was extremely stressful, dangerous, misogynistic and I was incredibly unhappy and totally unfulfilled. I had always planned parties for family and friends such as, birthday parties, baby showers, weddings, etc. Everyone always told me I should do it for a living! But how could I? How could I give up a pension and a federal government job?

Here’s how. I learned to really love myself and in doing that I knew I had to do something I loved. Even if it was a risk, which it was, I just wanted to feel happy. I made the best decision of my life in 2018. I went back to school for event planning, design and management, and have not looked back. That is how Above and Beyond event planning was born.

How long have you been in the wedding industry?

Unofficially, I have been in the wedding industry for 5 years. Officially, I have been in the industry for a year. I say a year because that was my first actual paid wedding I completed.

What first attracted you to the wedding industry?

I seriously love weddings! I love love! I was initially attracted to weddings not only for the love, but because I love creating and designing. I love seeing how we can turn a space from a zero to a hero! And my favourite part of a wedding is actually the ceremony.

Going back to the “I love love thing,” this is where the magic happens. Plus there’s nothing better than seeing a partner’s reaction as the love of their life walks down the aisle. Ugh! I still cry at every wedding I create; catch me in the back with all of the tissues!

When you’re not busy with weddings, how do you love to spend your time?

I have a 3-year-old niece, Cyprus. She is amazing and hilarious, so I spend a lot time with her and her sassiness (as I write this, she is sticking stickers on me). I’m also married to a very cool guy named Justin. We love going to the movies – horror movies are our favourite, however, Justin would probably say he only goes for me. We travel a lot, usually 2-3 trips a year. We recently spent 4 weeks traveling around Thailand and Cambodia just the two of us. It was quite the experience! My guilty pleasure is Judge Judy; I watch her every day!

What does Above and Beyond Events do?

We are a full service event planning and design company. We create fabulous weddings, birthday parties, kids’ parties (we love doing kids birthday parties), corporate events, religious events, etc. If there is a party to be had, we can do it!

What makes your business stand out from other event planners?

We work with all budgets. We aren’t those pretentious people that only want that 100K wedding. Our guarantee is that we can make any event look like a 100K event even if the budget is a small fraction of that. We are so good with finding deals and work with so many great vendors that offer a variety of pricing.

Also, we named the company Above and Beyond because that is exactly what we do for our clients. We want our clients to see us and talk to us whenever they want. Clients will NEVER hear us say, “You only get three face to face meetings.” We are different; we want our clients to feel like friends, so limitless contact is what we provide.

We also list our pricing on our website. I remember when I was getting married and I found it extremely frustrating when I did not see vendor pricing – how do I know if I can afford you? This was the biggest source of annoyance, so when I started this company my main goal was to be affordable, transparent and personable. I live by this.

What is the process of working with Above and Beyond Events? 

We make it easy and fun! A client will contact us, usually via E-mail, and we then write a personalized E-mail back – no templates here! Next we set up a free in-person consultation with the client. During this meeting we will get to know the client or clients, we will answer any and all questions, we will tell you what we can do for you, and then BAM- hopefully magic has struck and we can work together.

Share a wedding story! What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve ever worked on?

There are so many incredible stories, as we work with so many incredible clients. The one that really stands out for me is when we worked with a couple that had a $6,500 budget for their entire wedding. It was awesome because the couple was so involved and they loved crafting, so a lot of items were DIY, but it did not look like it. I would go over to their house and spend hours glue-gunning pearls to fabric and cutting paper and I loved it. We received so many compliments on this wedding! Since then, this bride has been inspired to start her own crafting business and she is doing so well. Just goes to show, a little sweat equity goes a long way.

If you had one piece of advice for couples planning a wedding, what would it be?

Hire a planner! Even for month-of coordination services. Clients spend years preparing for their wedding and it should be perfect for them. Hiring a planner will ensure that if issues arise on the day, the couple won’t know about it. Planners are fantastic people; we are crafty, natural problem solvers and full of resources. The upfront cost of a planner may be intimidating for some couples, but if you see what a planner actually does you would know the investment is worth it. It’s for that peace of mind.

If you choose not to hire a planner, then I highly suggest taking the time to read each contact that you receive from other vendors – specifically their “no show” clause. Most people glaze over the contract, but it is soooo important. Take your time with this.

Make sure you’re meeting with possible vendors. For example, with photography, this is such an important and valued vendor, but you also need to feel comfortable with who you select. Meet everyone in person before giving a deposit.

What are the current trends in planning & design? What’s on its way out?

There are so many amazing trends right now. I’m loving the greenery at weddings with the vintage furniture and candles. So classic!

Chair covers… They should just go away. I know couples think they need to hide the hideous nature of those banquet style chairs, but there are so many other things that couples can do instead of unleashing chair covers. Just say no to white satin on a chair!

What are the biggest mistakes couples make in regards to planners?

Sometimes couples don’t utilize wedding planners like they can; we are an untapped resource. We know the industry, we know what looks good, we know about pricing, we have recommendations, we can do it all for couples. So it’s just a good reminder to couples who hire planners; most things you end up researching for hours online are probably things your planner can do in a few minutes. Always reach out to your planner.

Sometimes, people are under the misconception that wedding planners don’t do a lot. And I believe this is because clients don’t see the hundreds of hours we spend preparing for their wedding. From all the phone calls, emails, meetings, site visits, contracts, vendor procurement, designing, scouting, planning, rehearsals, making sure no one walks away with your gifts, helping over-indulging guests get into taxis at the end of the night, formulating back up plans, and so on. And that’s not to mention the 12 or so hours we spend ensuring your wedding day goes off without a hitch. Sure, we don’t have a physical product to offer you, but our time is our product. This is our service. It’s our brain, our time, our skills, our help, our management, our contacts. These are the things couples are paying for.

Where can couples save? Where should they splurge?

Couples can save in all aspects, but I see a lot of couples saving in the floral department. Choose florals that are in season and that is already a huge cost saver. You can opt out of bridesmaids’ florals and do something unique instead. Be different.

Couples should splurge on the guest experience, such as food and drinks! Guests will always remember the food at weddings. I’m sure you remember weddings you’ve attended that had dreadful food. Spend money on a fabulous photographer and videographer; these photos and videos will be the only things you still have from your wedding 10 years later.

What’s something people need to understand about wedding planning?

Wedding planners work really hard. We have multiple weddings all throughout the year, some even on the same day, but good planners will make you feel like you’re the only client. We have super late nights, we are always on our phones and we spend time away from our families. But we do it all because at the end of the day, we love what we do!

Any other tips for couples planning a wedding?

Here are a few more tips:

  • If you’re thinking of hiring a planner, make sure you meet them, to ensure you click.
  • A higher price doesn’t always mean a better service.
  • If you’re going to plan your wedding without the help of a planner, make sure you download a wedding timeline (there are tons online) this will keep you on track.
  • Breathe. It can be overwhelming, so give yourself breaks. Don’t spend all day, every day planning your wedding. Make sure to still live in the moment; you’re marrying the love of your life. Don’t lose sight of that.

Special thanks to Nicole of Above and Beyond Events for taking part in this wedding vendor interview. For more info, visit:

A few weeks ago, we shared 21 unique wedding traditions from all around the world. But in our research, we found even more incredible wedding traditions that show off the culture, folklore, beliefs and traditions of places, cultures and religions all over the world. So we’re back with part two!

Check out 20 MORE wedding traditions below!

Missed part one? Check out those wedding traditions here!

Czech wedding tradition: Not the fun kind of spooning

At a traditional Czech wedding reception, the first course served is soup. But it gets a little bit more complicated than that for the newlyweds. The couple of the hour are wrapped together in a towel/sheet and made to eat their soup from a single bowl sharing a single spoon. Sometimes their hands are even tied together! All of this tying together symbolizes how the married couple will have to work together in their future.

Japanese wedding ritual: Wearing white

The tradition is that most brides wear white on their wedding days. But Japanese brides taking part in traditional Shinto ceremonies take this advice to the next level. These brides will wear white from head to toe, including white makeup and a white hood called a “tsunokakushi.” The hood is supposed to mask the brides “horns of jealousy” towards her new mother-in-law. Ouch!

Fijian wedding tradition: He’s been gone a whale…

For grooms who follow the tradition of asking their bride’s family for her hand in marriage, the big conversation with his future in-laws is surely scary and sweat-inducing. But how much harder would it be if the groom-to-be had to bring a whale’s tooth with him? Fijian tradition says a man must bring a whale’s tooth to his future father-in-law in order to ask for the daughter’s hand in marriage.

South African wedding traditions: Burning love

In this loving tradition from South Africa, parents of the bride and groom will both bring fire from the fireplaces of their own homes to the home of the newlyweds. The couple will then use these flames from their childhood homes to light the fireplace in their new home together.

Indian wedding ritual: A new version of the shoe game


This wedding tradition from India is called Joota Chupai. In this tradition, the groom takes off his shoes as he approaches the altar. And when he does, the bride’s family tries to steal his shoes and hide them. But at the same time, the groom’s family is trying to protect his shoes. If the bride’s family wins, the groom must pay to get his shoes back.

Moroccan wedding tradition: A wedding week

We may be used to weddings being a one-day or one-afternoon affair. But in Morocco, weddings often last up to seven days! There are elaborate pre-wedding parties and rituals, including a spa day, and tons and tons of feasting. Sounds fun to us!

Jamaican wedding traditions: The bride’s red carpet

A wedding tradition from Jamaica dictates that a bride must parade herself down the village streets before her wedding. As she walks, neighbours will call out insults if they don’t think the bride is looking her best. Too many insults and the bride will head back home to work on her look and try again.

Persian wedding tradition: Sofreh Aghd

Sofreh Aghd, meaning “spread” and “ceremony” in Farsi is a Persian wedding tradition celebrated by both traditional and modern couples. It includes a table filled with items to symbolize the couple’s new life together. Items include a mirror, representing light and brightness, an embroidered cloth, symbolizing family tradition, and a spice tray, to guard against evil.

Norwegian wedding ritual: Let them eat cake

Kransekake is the special cake served at traditional Norwegian weddings. It’s an iced almond cake, created in the shape of a cone with a hollow center. What’s in the center? Usually a wine bottle!

Pakistani wedding tradition: Bring on the flowers

In traditional weddings in Pakistan, the groom will wear a beautiful ring of flowers around his neck. We love the idea of flowers being worn and/or carried by everyone who wants some.

Polish wedding ritual: Want to dance?

A wedding tradition from Poland allows guests to dance with the bride, but for a price. The maid of honour will collect donations from guests which allow them to take the bride for a spin on the dance floor. All of the money collected goes towards the couple’s honeymoon.

Australian wedding traditions: Fill the unity bowl

We’ve heard of unity candles but what about unity bowls? A wedding tradition from Australia has guests hold stones throughout the ceremony. Once the ceremony is over, guests drop their stones into a decorative unity bowl that the couple will then keep in their home. The unity bowl will remind the newlyweds of the support and presence of their loved ones.

Scottish wedding tradition: Time to get dirty

Blackening of the Bride is a Scottish wedding tradition where the bride, and sometimes the groom, are captured by their friends and family a few days before the wedding. During their time in captivity, the couple is covered in gross things like beer, syrup, rotten fish and feathers, and then paraded around town. Sounds fun, right? Apparently, they say if the couple can get through this, they can get through anything in their marriage!

French wedding ritual: Take a sip!

At the end of a French wedding reception, the newlyweds are presented with a chamber pot (a medieval toilet bowl). And the chamber pot is full of leftover alcohol, including extra items such as chocolate, bananas or even toilet paper! The couple must drink until the pot is empty, to strengthen them for the wedding night ahead.

Welsh wedding traditions: Carve me a lovespoon

An old Welsh tradition states that when a man falls in love, he must carve lovespoons out of wood for his betrothed. The lovespoons are decorated with important symbols such as keys, signifying the key to his heart, and beads, symbolizing the number of children they hope to have.

Mongolian wedding tradition: Playing chicken

Before a Mongolian couple can set their wedding date, they must first take part in a wedding tradition that is not for the squeamish. Together, they must kill a chicken and, both holding the knife, find a healthy liver. If their chicken doesn’t have a healthy liver, they must continue hunting until they find a suitable liver.

Irish wedding traditions: Put your foot down

At a wedding reception in Ireland, tradition states that a bride must always keep one foot on the floor – no matter how wild the dancing gets! According to folklore, if the bride lifts both feet off the floor, evil fairies will come and take her away.

Czech wedding ritual: All about fertility

via Pinterest

Like many wedding traditions, these ones from the Czech Republic are routed in fertility. Before the ceremony, a young infant is placed on the bed of the newlyweds to not-so-subtly enocurage them to have a baby of their own. And after the ceremony, the couple is showered with rice, peas or lentils, all symbols of fertility.

South Korean wedding tradition: Hope his feet aren’t ticklish

A traditional South Korean wedding may involve Falaka, the practice of beating the groom’s feet. Friends and family of the groom will beat his feet with a stick or dried fish while asking the groom trivia questions. The tradition is said to strengthen both his feet and his mind.

Kenyan wedding ritual: Spit me with your best shot

As the newlyweds leave their Kenyan wedding, tradition says the father of the bride must spit on his daughter’s head. This ensures the good fortune of the couple is not jinxed.

Peruvian wedding tradition: Put a ring on it

via Pinterest

We may be used to a bouquet or garter toss, but in Peruvian weddings, single guests take part in a different tradition. A Peruvian wedding cake will be filled with charms attached to ribbons, with one of the charms being a fake wedding ring. During the cake pull, all the single women will pull a ribbon from the cake. The guest who pulls out the wedding ring is said to be the next one to walk down the aisle!

We love learning about these wedding traditions from all over the world. How many of these did you know about? Will you be incorporating any fun or unique wedding traditions into your special day?


written by Riana Ang-Canning
feature image by Emily Nicole Photos

Please enjoy the following vendor interview all about guest portraiture with Shelley of The Portrait Co. Learn more about including guest portraiture and an elevated photo booth experience to your wedding day! 

Please introduce yourself! Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Shelley. I am the founder and photographer for The Portrait Co. a small local business which started as a passion project a few years ago. Photography has always been a creative outlet in my life, but more recently I found myself focusing on portraiture, creating classic black and white images that capture the beauty and happiness of the moment. Weddings and special occasions are where I bring this to life by offering fun and flattering guest portraiture. A simple way to capture friends and family looking their best, feeling great and enjoying the day!

What first attracted you to the wedding industry?

I think weddings are beautiful. What other occasion brings all of your dearest friends and loved ones together in one room? Grandma on the dance floor, flower girls eating cake, speeches that bring tears and laughter – it’s all a wonderful occasion to share in and be a part of.

When you’re not busy with weddings, how do you love to spend your time?

You can usually find me with my pup; she’s my sidekick and I’m pretty sure she enjoys our photo walks as much as I do!

What does The Portrait Co. do?

The Portrait Co. is a petite onsite photo station that offers guest portraiture. A professional photographer is there to help with posing and set the stage for a fun and flattering black and white portrait experience. We consider ourselves to be an elegant alternative to the traditional photobooth. We drop the props and instead focus on your guests looking their finest and enjoying your special day. Each guest will go home with a professionally printed portrait, a beautiful keepsake and a great way to express your thanks!

What makes your business stand out from other vendors?

We match our service with the sophistication of your event, making sure to add the feel and wow factor our couples are looking for. We provide an elegant backdrop, black velvet seating, flattering lighting and help with posing guests, all in the most professional and fun way.

What is the process of working with The Portrait Co.? How can couples work with you?

We know how much goes into planning a special occasion; there is so much to manage and a lot of logistics to consider. Our priority is to keep the process of working with us as smooth and stress-free as possible. Once clients reach out to us and we will take it from there. We handle all of the details with the venue, we provide a smooth set up and take down, and we are always available for any questions or requests our couples may need.

If you had one piece of advice for couples looking for guest portraiture or a photobooth for their wedding, what would it be?

Photos will be cherished for many years, especially those that you can hold in your hand and not just view on your phone. Offering your guests a quality printed portrait is a great way to preserve the memories of a fantastic day spent with you!

What are the current trends in your niche? What’s on its way out?

I think we can say goodbye to the props, the silly hats and the DIY photobooth concept. Although fun, there is definitely a trend towards offering a more elevated and creative experience. Portrait stations, beautiful crafted backdrops, and even red carpets with custom step and repeats are what couples are looking for now.

Any other tips for couples planning a wedding?

Regardless of what people may tell you, love is in the details! I always appreciate a lovely place card, a tray of mints and hairspray in the ladies room, a sentimental brooch on a wedding bouquet. The effort is never wasted.

Special thanks to Shelley of The Portrait Co. for taking part in this wedding vendor interview. For more info, visit:

Please enjoy the following vendor interview all about wedding photography with Jelger & Tanja. Learn more about this husband and wife duo, why they choose to work with spontaneous and adventurous couples, and how to handle outdoor photography when Mother Nature has other plans. 

Please introduce yourself! Who are you and what do you do?

We’re Jelger and Tanja, a Vancouver based hubby and wife wedding photographers duo that specializes in working with spontaneous and adventurous couples.

How long have you been in the wedding industry?

2019 will be our 8th wedding season.  

What first attracted you to the wedding industry?

Before starting our photography business in Vancouver, we worked in very different industries in Belgium. Jelger used to be a lawyer and Tanja used to be a physiotherapist. When changing our careers, we both went from professions where our clients were troubled (nobody sees their lawyer for fun!), to a job where everyone is happy and celebrating.

When you’re not busy with weddings, how do you love to spend your time?

We both love the outdoors and will take any chance to go on hikes and enjoy the gorgeous nature in BC. It blows our minds that we can be in the mountains with a 30 minute drive! Another thing we enjoy is cooking meals from scratch. Jelger makes his own bacon and sausages. Tanja willingly eats everything she prepares. Maybe it’s our European background, but food is very important.

What makes your business stand out from other wedding photography businesses?

The most important part of our business is that it’s based on our clients’ personalities. We specifically work with spontaneous and adventurous couples, because we can connect with them on a personal level. It’s all about having fun together and creating the best possible experience.

Share a wedding story! What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve ever worked on?

There are so many amazing stories, but one we’ll never forget is the wedding we photographed at a ranch (Sundance Guest Ranch) in the interior of BC. The couple, who are Irish, worked there for a year as wranglers and had a lot of photos taken with their favourite horses. One of the photos was of horses running through the field behind the two of them. This photo went viral and won a BC Wedding Award. We’d like to think of it as the “official” start of us being more adventurous in our work and life!

If you had one piece of advice for couples looking for a wedding photographer, what would it be?

Make sure you like your photographers not only for their work, but also for their personalities! You’re spending so much time with them on the day of your wedding. When you have a great relationship, it’ll improve your experience so much!

What are the biggest mistakes couples make with wedding photography?

Occasionally couples think photographers can change their editing style to accommodate their wishes. I.e. they hire someone whose portfolio shows dark and moody photos, but the couple actually prefers a light and airy look. The photographer’s portfolio is there to show you exactly what you can expect. If you’re wanting something different, you’ll for sure end up disappointed.

We also highly recommend asking to see a couple of full day galleries before hiring your photographer. That way you can see how they take photographs at night, when using flash, etc. And you’ll know what to expect from your gallery.

Where can couples save? Where should they splurge?

Splurge on what you value and save on things you don’t care about! It’s ok to not do everything according to tradition. If you don’t like something, don’t invest in it! For photography, a good photographer will make everything look better 🙂 But even with photography, it’s all about what you value.

What’s something people need to understand about wedding photography?

With outdoorsy weddings comes the risk of the weather being uncooperative; think rain, wind, etc. Nature always keeps doing her thing. You can prepare with umbrellas or a backup plan (and waterproof shoes during portraits!), but ultimately if you just “surrender” to the moment and are invested in having fun regardless, it’ll be amazing.

Any other tips for couples planning a wedding?

Make sure you have a person on the day of your wedding that can deal with questions from vendors or guests. Give them your phone; you don’t need it! Your only job is to have a great time!

The fabulous duo, Jelger & Tanja!

Special thanks to Jelger and Tanja for taking part in this wedding vendor interview. For more from them, visit:

One of our favourite things about creating custom wedding ceremonies is being able to integrate and celebrate wedding traditions from different cultures, religions and groups all around the world. Which got us thinking, how do other people celebrate weddings in their home country?

Below are 23 of the most unique wedding traditions from all around the world. Some may sound familiar to you, some may sound a bit odd, and some may inspire you so much that you incorporate them into your own wedding!

Before we dive in, we will say that, of course, not everyone from these countries takes part in these traditions. For example, you might be reading this and think, “Hey! I’m from Spain and we don’t do that!” Some of these traditions may just pertain to a certain part of the country or culture, or may have new modern variations. As well, some of these wedding traditions cross countries and cultures, occurring in multiple places around the world.

Let’s travel the world and discover 23 local wedding traditions!

PS: Want even more? Check out 20 more wedding traditions from around the world!

Italian wedding traditions: Shower you in candy

In traditional Italian weddings, guests are given a bag of candy, usually colourful candied almonds, to throw over the couple as they exit their ceremony. You may now see these candied almonds appearing as wedding favours at receptions. The almonds represent health, wealth, happiness, fertility and longevity.

Mexican wedding tradition: Literally tying the knot

Once the vows have been said, couples in Mexico are then tied together with a rope by their friends and family. The rope, which may be decorated with crystals and beads, is tied in a figure eight shape to represent the couple’s eternal unity.

Russian wedding ritual: Playing hard to get

Vykup nevesty is a Russian wedding tradition where the groom will have to play games and pass through a series of challenges in order to pick up his bride for the wedding. The bridesmaids will instruct the groom to sing songs, recite poems and even pay a ransom, which usually results in the groom being presented with one of his male friends in a dress, before the bride eventually comes out.

German wedding ritual: The couple who saws together…

Baumstamm sägen is a German wedding tradition where the newlywed couple will use a handsaw to cut a large log in half. Sounds like tough work! This symbolizes the way the couple will have to work together in the future. As this takes place during the wedding, while the couple is in their fancy wedding attire, the log is usually partially sawed by the couple’s fathers to save time and effort.

Greek wedding tradition: Barber shop visit

Putting the “groom” into “groomsmen,” a Greek wedding tradition involves the groom visiting a barbershop where his best man will become his barber and shave his face. Talk about trusting your friend! Once clean-shaven, the groom’s new mother-in-law will feed him honey and almonds.

Venezuelan wedding traditions: Disappearing act

In Venezuela, it’s tradition, and a sign of good luck, for the newlywed couple to slip out of their own wedding reception completely unnoticed. We’re not sure how they manage to get away with that as all eyes are usually on the couple!

Chinese wedding ritual: Talk about making an entrance

The journey from a bride’s family home to the groom’s home is an elaborate affair according to Chinese wedding tradition. The bride will ride in a decorated chair that is carried from her home to the groom’s. As she rides, her attendants will shield her with parasols while tossing rice at her. She will also be accompanied by a good luck charm, a woman hired to take care of the bride as she travels.

Southern US wedding tradition: Bury the bourbon

A month before they say their vows, Southern American couples will bury a full bottle of bourbon, upside down, at the spot where they plan to get hitched. Why? Burying bourbon wards off bad weather, of course! Rain or shine, the bottle is dug up on the wedding day and shared with guests during the reception.

Armenian wedding tradition: It’s all about balance

When a newlywed Armenian couple enter their reception, they break a plate for good luck and then are given flatbread and honey by the mother of the groom. They eat a spoonful of honey, symbolizing happiness, and then balance the flatbread on their shoulders to help ward off evil.

Russian wedding tradition: Take a big bite!

Russian wedding traditions seem to be all about the challenges! Newlyweds will be presented with a special sweetbread representing prosperity and faithfulness, called a karavay. Whoever takes the bigger bite is said to be the head of the family.

Niger wedding traditions: Chicken dance? Nope, camel dance!

No one gets a party started better than a camel! A camel is often brought to wedding receptions in Niger where said camel will dance along to a drumbeat, with wedding guests partying alongside.

Swedish wedding traditions: Just add myrtle

A Swedish wedding tradition is to add a sprig of myrtle to the bride’s crown or bouquet. Myrtle symbolizes love, and can often be seen in other attendants’ bouquets and throughout the wedding florals at the ceremony and reception.

Spanish wedding tradition: Dressed in black

A wedding gown has to be white, right? Wrong! Traditionally, Spanish brides wear black dresses to symbolize “till death do us part.” And as far as we’re concerned, you can wear whatever you want, in whatever colour you want, down the aisle!

Turkish wedding tradition: X marks the spot

In Turkey, wedding tradition states that a Turkish flag must be planted at the home of the groom on the day of his wedding. The area is then decorated with other items, like fruits, vegetables and mirrors, to symbolize that a wedding ceremony is taking place there.

French Canadian wedding tradition: Dancing feet

Wearing fancy printed socks to your wedding is definitely a tradition we can get behind. And it seems that it may have started in French Canada, where unmarried siblings of the newlywed couple perform a dance at the wedding reception while wearing wild and colourful socks. If the guests approve of the dance, they can toss money at the dancers, which is then gifted to the couple.

Congolese wedding tradition: No laughing matter

We’re used to seeing smiling photos of newlywed couples. But in the Congo, you won’t see any of that. Congolese newlyweds must not smile throughout their ceremony and reception. Otherwise, it means they are not serious about their marriage.

Spanish wedding ritual: Chop chop!

Cortar la corbata del novio is the Spanish wedding tradition of the groom losing his tie, piece by piece. During the reception, the groom’s attendants and friends will surround him and begin cutting the tie that he’s wearing around his neck. Let’s hope they’re careful! Pieces of the tie are then auctioned off to wedding guests, symbolizing good luck for everyone who gets a piece.

Guatemalan wedding tradition: Ring the bell

After the wedding ceremony, Guatemalan couples and their guests will head to the groom’s house, where a large white ceramic bell will await them. The bell is filled with rice, flour and grains, representing abundance. The mother of the groom will then smash the bell, which brings the newlyweds good luck and prosperity.

Dutch wedding tradition: When you wish upon a tree

Instead of a guest book, Dutch couples prefer a wishing tree. Guests will write notes and well wishes for the couple on tiny pieces of paper, and hang those off the small tree placed at the reception.

Chinese wedding tradition: Practice your aim

A wedding tradition from China involves the groom pulling a Cupid and shooting his bride with a bow and arrow! Before you freak out, know that the arrow is head-less and no one gets hurt during this activity. Once he’s hit the target, the groom will collect the arrows and break them during the wedding ceremony, ensuring their love will be everlasting.

German wedding tradition: Get to sweeping!

Another German wedding tradition is Polterabend. Guests throw porcelain dishes on the ground to ward off evil spirits. It is then the couple’s job to sweep up all of the broken dishes, learning that when they work together, they can face any challenge they meet.

Nigerian wedding traditions: The more the merrier!

In Nigerian traditional weddings, there is no guest list because the entire community is invited. Sure, you don’t have to stress about who is making the cut but now you have to make sure there’s enough food and drink for your entire neighbourhood!

Another Nigerian wedding tradition is called Aso-Ebi, meaning family clothes. In this tradition, each side of the family is assigned a colour to wear to the wedding.

Norse wedding tradition: Odinist rituals

The Odinic Rite is a religious movement that honours Odin, Thor and other gods of Norse mythology. The religion “acknowledges the gods by fostering thought, courage, honor, light, and beauty.” An Odinist wedding would share a lot of traditions with Norse folklore and Viking weddings. For example, these weddings are often held on Fridays, as this is the day dedicated to Frigg, Odin’s wife and the goddess of marriage, love, and fertility.

Did any of these wedding traditions surprise you? We love learning about customs and traditions from all over the world. So much so that we’re diving in to learn more. Check out part two with even more wedding traditions from all around the world!

written by Riana Ang-Canning

Please enjoy the following vendor interview all about wedding photography with Caroline Ross Photography. Read on to learn more about Caroline’s experience (including her time spent living and working in the Caribbean!), her editing style, and the truth about phone cameras. 

Please introduce yourself! Who are you and what do you do?

I’m Caroline Ross and I’m a fashion and wedding photographer in Yaletown, Vancouver, BC.

How long have you been in the wedding industry?

I’ve been in the industry for over ten years.

What first attracted you to the wedding industry?

I had a lot of friends and family members getting married my first year out of school, and they had seen school work I had done and wanted me to shoot their weddings. I bought a DSLR the week before my first wedding and started shooting. I still keep my first wedding up on my website today, because when I first started shooting weddings, I loved going through other photographers’ websites and enjoyed seeing their progress and their work from when they just started out. It gave me hope that I could grow my talent and get better at storytelling and shooting.

Here is my first wedding!

When you’re not busy with weddings, how do you love to spend your time?

In addition to shooting weddings, I also teach part time as a photography professor at a local college and shoot fashion and commercial photography as well. So I don’t have a lot of spare time, but I do like to spend it like every other Vancouverite… running, swiming, biking, hiking and exploring local coffee shops and vegan restaurants.

What does Caroline Ross Photography do?

I shoot wedding, families, fashion and commercial photography.

What makes your business stand out from other photographers?

My editing and shooting style.

Editing:  I keep all my skin tones natural and I try to create a timeless edit – no one wants to look at their wedding photos in five years and remember how terrible the photoshopping was.

Shooting: I shoot photojournalism about 90% of the day, and the remaining 10% is a traditional style portrait session. Because of my ten years of experience shooting, I am able to get through the portrait session really quickly so the couple can get back to their guests. I often have less than 30 minutes to complete all the portraits, including the couple and their wedding party, so I have to work fast and I am able to adapt to any lighting situation and weather.

Share a wedding story! What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve ever worked on?

I used to live on the Caribbean island of St Maarten and specialized in private villa weddings where most of my weddings were destination and the wedding couple was from another country. My most memorable wedding was when a local groom and out of country bride got married – their wedding was a blend of St Maarten and North American traditions and the party was really amazing!

If you had one piece of advice for couples looking for a wedding photographer, what would it be?

Go with someone who has the most natural editing style, not the trendiest.

What are the biggest mistakes couples make when it comes to wedding photography?

When a couple has a Pinterest board pinned with all their favourite photos; it’s important to understand these are the BEST OF THE BEST from hundreds of weddings, which translates into hundreds of thousands of photos.

Where can couples save? Where should they splurge?

I started my career off with family members as my first clients and I encourage other couples that don’t want to spend a lot of money on a photographer to reach out to a relative or friend or a local photography school for a student. I realize this is terrible business advice from a photographer. I have seen many friends and family go through the planning process and I think there is too much pressure on couples to follow trends, keep up with their friends’ weddings and a fear of looking “cheap.”

I don’t think anyone should have to go into debt over a wedding so hire the vendors you are able to afford. The goal of a wedding is to get married and I think it would be better to start off your married life without debt. If there was a photographer you wanted for your wedding but couldn’t afford, hire them for a one or five year anniversary portrait session; it will definitely be cheaper than the wedding day.

What’s something people need to understand about photography?

Phone cameras are changing our body image. Most phone cameras are wide angle so you can fit your whole face in the photo as a selfie, and as a result, we all look 10-20 pounds lighter. It also changes our face shape. I had a friend recently get upset with how she looked in camera photos, and it turned out to be the wide angle lens making her nose look really large – it pushes things in the middle of the frame out.

After a quick shoot with a professional camera she felt a lot more confident. This is why an engagement session is essential and it’s also important to know what you like or dislike about a photo and communicate that with your photographer before the wedding.

Special thanks to Caroline of Caroline Ross Photography for taking part in this wedding vendor interview and providing all of the gorgeous photos. For more information, visit:

One of our most unique and stunning packages is our Helicopter Elopement. Always wanted to get married on the top of a mountain or at a secret beach? A Helicopter Elopement might be perfect for you!

A Helicopter Elopement is all about doing something extra special for your ceremony. The package includes the helicopter ride, your officiant, and your photographer. You’re able to invite guests and there are a variety of landing spots where you can tie the knot. 

If you want to elope, in a really adventurous and unique way, surrounded by nature that takes your breath away, it sounds like you’re ready to book a Helicopter Elopement! You can check out the package details here, read our Helicopter FAQs, and get in touch to book.

Still not convinced? Perhaps these 45 photos will change your mind! 

(And even if an elopement via helicopter isn’t for you, you can still admire these gorgeous photos!)

by Erica Miller Photography
by Erica Miller Photography
by Erica Miller Photography
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Amanda Arch Photography
by Amanda Arch Photography
by Amber Leigh Photography
by Erica Miller Photography
by Erica Miller Photography
by Erica Miller Photography
by Erica Miller Photography
by Erica Miller Photography
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Clint Bargen Photo
by Clint Bargen Photo
by Clint Bargen Photo
by Clint Bargen Photo
by Clint Bargen Photo
by Clint Bargen Photo
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos
by Emily Nicole Photos

written by Riana Ang-Canning
feature image by Emily Nicole Photos