A part of the wedding ceremony that is often forgotten is the wedding announcements. Many couples don’t know what wedding announcements are or which ones to include. But since wedding announcements convey some of the most important information your guests need to know, you don’t want to forget them!
Keep reading to learn more about wedding ceremony announcements – what are they and which ones should you include?
What is a wedding announcement?
A wedding announcement is an announcement made during your wedding ceremony to pass important information onto guests. For example, reminding guests that your ceremony is unplugged and therefore they should put their phones away would be an important pre-ceremony wedding announcement.
Wedding announcements also refer to the old time-y tradition of announcing a marriage in the newspaper. This is when a family would pay for space in the newspaper to announce the upcoming wedding of their child. A more modern version of this would be sending out marriage announcements after your wedding day to let people know you got hitched.

Who makes wedding announcements?
Announcements at the wedding ceremony are usually made by the wedding officiant or whoever is leading the ceremony. If you have any housekeeping announcements to make during your reception, these can be made by your MC or DJ.
“Okay, but do we really need 13 wedding announcements at our ceremony?”
No, you likely won’t need to have all 13 of these wedding announcements at your ceremony. But we like to be thorough! As you read through them, you’ll see which ones apply to your ceremony and which don’t.
Keep in mind that some of these announcements can be combined and will only take a few seconds to share with your guests. And with an engaging wedding officiant (like the ones here at Young Hip & Married!), wedding announcements will just seem like part of the fun that is your ceremony.
You can also include important announcements on your wedding website or on wedding ceremony programs. Make sure wedding party members and your wedding planner are aware of the information too so they can spread it to guests. However, the most important information should still be announced by your officiant so no one misses it!

8 wedding announcements to make before or at the start of your wedding ceremony
These pre-ceremony announcements are usually said before the wedding ceremony officially begins. The processional hasn’t started yet and none of the wedding party or the couple is in the room. It’s just your wedding officiant at the front and your guests taking their seats.
1. Introduction
Before launching into the real announcements, you may want your wedding officiant to quickly introduce themselves and let your guests know that the ceremony is about to start. This will prompt people to find their seats and get ready for things to begin.
Example: “Hello, everyone! My name is Shawn and I’ll be officiating Morgan and Jaime’s ceremony today. We’re going to be getting started in just a few minutes so please take your seats and get those happy tears ready!”
2. Photo policy
One of the most important pre-ceremony wedding announcements is the photo policy. Most couples opt for an unplugged ceremony where guests are asked to put their electronics away. This not only ensures guests can stay in the moment but also that your professional photos don’t have a sea of screens in them!
Example: “Today’s ceremony will be unplugged. Please put away any phones, cameras or tablets as the couple has requested no photos or video be taken during the ceremony. They want to see your smiling faces, not the back of your screens!”
Or, if you don’t mind photos being taken, your officiant can also make that announcement. With so many unplugged wedding ceremonies these days, guests may not be sure what you prefer, so an announcement either way is helpful.
Example: “You are welcome to take photos during the ceremony but please do so discreetly and please don’t block the lovely photographer and videographer that Jaime and Morgan have hired.”

3. Phone off reminder
In addition to an announcement about your photo policy, it may also be helpful to remind guests to turn off or silence their phones. No one wants to hear the screech of a ringtone halfway through the vows!
Example: “Just like at the movies, let’s all take a moment to turn off or silence our phones before the ceremony starts.”
4. Instructions for after the ceremony
This is one of the most important wedding announcements: What are guests supposed to do after the ceremony is over? Despite all the details you meticulously provided on your wedding invitations and website, some of your guests will still be confused about what’s happening next. This announcement is especially important if you need your guests to be somewhere right after the ceremony is over.
Example: “After the ceremony, Morgan and Jaime would like everyone to meet them on the lawn just outside the doors for a big group photo. Please don’t run off as they want to make sure everyone’s beautiful face is included.”
Even if your guests aren’t expected to be anywhere or do anything immediately after the ceremony, it may still be useful to remind them of the next item on their wedding day schedule. That way, no one is confused or shows up at the wrong place or wrong time.
Example: “Morgan and Jaime look forward to raising a glass with you all tonight at the Riverfront Cafe at 5:00pm with dinner and dancing to follow.”

5. Safety or venue-specific information
Obviously not all ceremonies will need an announcement about safety or about the venue, but if yours does, this is a great time to include it. These announcements might include where emergency exits are located, where bathrooms are located, mask policies, weather information, etc.
Example: “If the October chill is getting to you, please feel free to use one of the blankets located at the back of the hall. And if you need to use the bathroom after the ceremony, you’ll find those on your left when you exit out the big doors.”
6. Information for parents
If you have invited kids to your wedding, you may have some information you need to share with parents before the ceremony gets started. While you can’t specifically ask young kids not to cry or have a meltdown (wouldn’t that be nice?), you can provide some helpful resources to minimize any noise or distractions.
Example: “If you have a little one with you, we invite you to sit on the end of the aisle, should you need to step out of the ceremony at any point. Jaime and Morgan have set up a kids’ room that you’re welcome to access before, during and after the ceremony.”

7. Information the couple wants to pass on
If there’s anything else you want your guests to know before your ceremony gets started, now is the time to have your officiant announce it. Particularly if you have anything happening during your ceremony that requires guest participation or might be new to guests, let them know.
Example: “You may have noticed little bags of confetti at your seat. Please hold onto these until the end of the ceremony. As our newlyweds head back up the aisle, make it rain on them!”
8. Land acknowledgment
A land acknowledgment is “a simple way for us to show respect and insert an awareness of Indigenous presence and land rights in everyday life, as well as recognize the history of colonialism and a need for change in settler-colonial societies.” It reminds everyone present whose land we are on. This announcement typically happens after the processional when the couple is at the front, but we’ve included it in this post as it is still a ceremony announcement.
Example: “We want to begin today’s ceremony by acknowledging with gratitude that we are gathered here on the unceded territory of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-waututh Nations.”

5 wedding announcements to make after or at the end of your wedding ceremony
Congrats, you’re married! But before you officially head off into married bliss, there are a few wedding announcements you may want your wedding officiant to make at the end of your ceremony.
These announcements typically happen just before the recessional (when the couple and wedding party exit the ceremony) because once the recessional has happened, guests are on their feet and heading out, no longer listening to important information.
1. The big pronouncement
The pronouncement is when your wedding officiant will pronounce that you are now married and, optionally, invite you to seal your marriage with a kiss. This is usually met with rapturous applause from your guests!
Example: “Now that Jaime and Morgan have given themselves to each other by solemn vows, with the joining of hands and the giving and receiving of rings, I pronounce that they are officially married. You may now seal your union with a kiss!”
Check out 15 pronouncements to end your wedding ceremony!
2. Reminder of post-ceremony instructions for guests
While your guests were definitely, 100% listening to all of the pre-ceremony announcements, they must have gotten so swept up in the emotion of your ceremony that they promptly forgot all about where they were supposed to go afterwards. That’s why a quick reminder at the end of your ceremony is important.
Example: “A reminder to please meet the fabulous newlyweds outside on the lawn for a big group photo right after we’ve wrapped things up here.”

3. (op) Announcement about what the couple or wedding party is doing next
If you won’t be joining your guests right after the ceremony, you may want to let them know. That way, you won’t get cornered by a weepy Aunt Tessa telling you how beautiful you look when you’re supposed to be sneaking away for post-ceremony sunset portraits.
Example: “Morgan and Jaime will be heading off to take their first photos as newlyweds after the ceremony and are looking forward to seeing you all at cocktail hour at 5:00pm at the Riverfront Cafe.”
This is also a great time to remind your wedding party or other important guests what they are supposed to be doing after the ceremony. You’d be surprised how many emotional parents completely forget they’re supposed to be taking family photos or joining your receiving line!
Example: “Jaime and Morgan, as well as their parents and wedding party, would love to say hello to all of you in a receiving line out on the lawn.”
4. Any additional reminders from the couple
Is there anything else you need your guests to know about? This is your last chance to have your officiant make a big announcement before everyone disperses. This may be a good time to share transportation instructions, any photo or video policies for after the ceremony, a hashtag you want guests to use, or any last minute changes.
Example: “Don’t forget that the party bus to the Riverfront Cafe leaves from the hotel at 4:30pm!”

5. Presentation of the couple
Once all of the other post-ceremony wedding announcements have been made, it’s time for the official presentation of the couple, followed by the recessional. This is when your wedding officiant announces you as a married couple, which usually signals your recessional music and walk back up the aisle while your guests cheer.
Example: “Presenting for the first time as a married couple, Morgan and Jaime! Let’s hear it for them!”
Which wedding announcements will you be including in your ceremony? Or are there any we forgot? Let us know!
And don’t forget the key to engaging wedding announcements that your guests will actually listen to – an amazing wedding officiant! Meet our team of officiants and book yours today!
feature image by Aileen Choi Photography