If you’re planning a wedding ceremony, there’s a lot of things you have to think about. What music will play as you walk down the aisle, will you write your own vows, and how will you sign your marriage licence?

Most couples choose to have a wedding ceremony signing table in order to sign their licence and make their marriage official. If you’ve never heard of a signing table before or need some inspiration to make yours special, read on. As wedding officiants with thousands of ceremonies under our belts, we know a thing or two about signing tables!

And for all the info you need to actually sign your licence, check out this post on signing your marriage licence.

What is a wedding ceremony signing table?

Simply, a wedding ceremony signing table is the table where you sign your marriage licence during (or right after) your wedding ceremony.

This is usually a small table with one to two seats and some decor on it. Most importantly, it should hold your licence and a few pens for signing! We’ll get more into what your table needs and when you’ll use it later in this article.

What is required to make a wedding ceremony signing legal?

In order to get legally married you need:

After the ceremony has taken place and everyone has signed the marriage licence in the right spots, your officiant will take care of filing your licence so your marriage is registered and legally recognized.

When do you sign the marriage registry?

The marriage registry and licence are usually signed in the middle of a wedding ceremony or at the end.

If you decide to sign in the middle, you’ll usually do so just before the kiss and pronouncement. So you’ll share vows, exchange rings and then head over to your wedding signing table with your officiant and witnesses.

After everyone signs, you’ll return to the front of your ceremony where your officiant will pronounce you officially wed and invite you to share your first kiss. Everyone cheers and you recess back up the aisle!

If you decide to sign after your ceremony is over, you’ll continue without interruption through the pronouncement, kiss and recessional. From there, you two, your officiant and your witnesses will head off to the signing table.

There are pros and cons to both options. Signing in the middle of the ceremony can feel a bit odd for guests, as they just have to wait patiently while you’re busy signing. Usually music is played during this time.

But some couples prefer to be officially married (i.e. papers already signed) before the pronouncement. Plus, by signing during the ceremony, you’re free to head off and party after the recessional rather than needing to bother with paperwork.

Signing after the ceremony can be nice if you don’t want to interrupt the flow. There won’t be any awkward pause. This also makes the signing a little bit less of a focal point, as you’ll usually head off to the side to do it while your guests are busy mingling and leaving the ceremony space.

However, some couples find that signing after the ceremony can feel a bit rushed (they just want to get to their guests) or anti-climatic (since no one is looking).

At the end of the day, it’s up to you! Chat with your wedding officiant about where to put the signing in your wedding ceremony outline.

What do you need at your signing table?

Your signing table must have:

  • Your marriage licence
  • Other documents you need to sign, like your officiant’s registry book
  • A pen

Some optional items you may also want to have at your signing table:

  • Chairs for you and/or your witnesses to sit on
  • Back up pens
  • A paperweight or something to hold down your licence (especially important for outdoor weddings)
  • Decor

Do you have to have a signing table?

Nope! A wedding signing table is optional. We’ve helped couples sign their licences on a clipboard, on the top of a bar or even on someone’s back!

Signing your marriage licence does not have to be a photo opp or a big moment during your ceremony. You can choose to do it after or even in private in a separate room. It can be as low-key as you want.

The only thing you are required to do is actually sign your licence. Whether that’s on a fully decorated table at the front of your ceremony space or in the hallway up against a window is completely up to you!

Our favourite wedding ceremony signing table ideas

If you do decide to have a signing table at your wedding ceremony, here are some ideas to make your table unique and memorable:

Create a loveseat: There are lots of options when it comes to seating at your signing table. One option we really like is the loveseat – either two chairs together or an actual loveseat sofa – where the couple can sit together. That way you can enjoy a little newlywed moment while you’re signing your licence.

Choose meaningful witnesses: A great way to honour someone who isn’t already in a position of honour at your wedding is by asking them to be your witness and sign your licence. Many couples default to their maid of honour and best man, but why not ask Grandma or Cousin Taylor to sign?

Include spiritual, religious or cultural traditions: While you have to sign your licence for your marriage to be legal, you can also include other elements to honour your values and practices. For example, the ketubah is signed in Jewish weddings.

Add flowers: A beautiful way to decorate your ceremony signing table is with florals. This is a very elegant and traditional option. It can also be done on a budget – you could repurpose the flowers for your reception or even put your bouquet on the signing table.

Add a sign: Who says a wedding signing table can’t have its own wedding sign? Any decorative sign could be a fun touch to decorate your table. One modern option is to have a neon sign that says “newlyweds” or your names.

Use something other than a table: Just because it’s called a signing table doesn’t mean you actually have to use a table. You could use a decorate desk or a vintage coffee table. Chat with your venue or rental company and see if they have something more unique available.

Include personal touches: Our favourite way to add meaning to any ceremony is with personal touches. You can do this on your signing table too. For example, you sign with pens from the restaurant where you had your first date or add photos of past loved ones to the table decor.

Leave a note: Here’s a cute idea – plant a little love note for your spouse-to-be on the signing table. A little Post-It that says you love them and are so excited you’re married would be the sweetest thing. Just be sure not to write anything on the actual licence!

Stash other items: Depending on the style of table, you may also be able to stash some other ceremony essentials here. For example, you could keep your vow books on the table or a secret pack of tissues in the drawers.

10 tips to ensure your signing goes off without a hitch!

Now that you know everything you need to know about your signing table, here are a few more tips for your licence signing:

  1. Get your licence (duh!): We know this is an obvious one but you’d be surprised how many couples forget or leave this until the last minute. If you’re getting a BC licence, Alberta licence or Ontario licence, check out our guides.
  2. Bring your licence (another duh): Not only do you need to obtain your licence, you also have to remember to bring it on the big day. If you’re worried you’ll forget, put your rings on top of it or give it to your officiant during the rehearsal and ask them to bring it on wedding day.
  3. Ask your witnesses ahead of time: Give your witnesses lots of notice so they know about the special role they’ll be playing on your big day.
  4. Make sure there’s enough room: Everyone (you two, your two witnesses and your officiant) should be able to comfortable get around the signing table.
  5. Ensure your witnesses can get there: Make sure your witnesses know when the signing is happening and that they’re seated close enough to get to the table easily. Don’t stick them in the back row!
  6. Go over your signing plan: During your rehearsal, discuss with your officiant and coordinator when and where you’ll sign your licence, plus who will be setting up the table.
  7. Choose your signing music: If you’ll be signing during your ceremony, you may want to have music played during this pause in the ceremony. Make sure your DJ/musicians know when the signing is happening and what song to play.
  8. Don’t play musical chairs: Most signing tables only have 1-2 chairs so you’ll need to decide ahead of time who will sit and who will stand. You may want to do one swap (e.g. the couple sits then the witnesses sit), but we don’t suggest only having one chair and switching after each person. It takes too long and looks a little silly.
  9. Let your officiant lead the way: No need to worry about what to sign and where. Your officiant is an expert at signing licences and will point out exactly where you and your witnesses need to sign.
  10. Bring extra pens: Trust us, you don’t want to be relying on just one pen to not get lost or break. Have a few pens ready to go.

Check out all of our marriage licence and certificate posts: